Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday, Angel!!!

Today is the day. Hannah is 2. Isn't it weird that 2 seems so big, when in all reality, 2 is still very, very little. But now I won't refer to her as xx number of months old. She will just be 2, and that seems so big to me. She is every bit of an ornery 2 year old...but in some ways, she still is my little baby. She is still very much so a momma's girl. She wants so badly to be independent and big, but then she realizes that she still needs me right by her side. I like that and hope it stays like that for a long time. Brett and I love this girl more than we could have ever imagined possible. She has changed us so much for the better. She and Alice Anne make us happier than anything else in this world. Here are some fun facts about Hannah Bow at her 2 year old mark.

She loves to pretend. She loves to pretend she is cooking for us or that she is a kitty cat or a baby or that she is a princess in dress up clothes. I love to watch her little imagination at work. She loves to feed her babies, rock them, and put them to bed. She is becoming a much nicer momma now than she used to be. Her babies used to get thrown on the ground, run over, and forgotten about (and still do sometimes-but then she remembers and tells them she's sorry).

When she gets REALLY excited about something, like ice cream or cake, she will shout, "Hooray!" It is hilarious. If I say Hooray first, she will say, "Hooray Back!" Love it. It never gets old.

She loves to sing! She sings so many songs and knows most all of the words. Her current favorite songs are "A,B,C's," "Jesus Loves Me," "Red and Yellow" (compliments of Jammy), "If You're Happy and You Know It," and "Jingle Bells."

She likes TV, but doesn't care at all if we say no TV. Her favorite show and ONLY show that she wants to watch is Sesame Street. But, we have to fast forward to Elmo. That's the only part she likes. I prefer she doesn't watch a lot of tv, but there are days when we desperately turn to it.

She uses incredible manners. She generally always says thank you and please and yes ma'am, yes sir, and no thank you. She is starting to say you're welcome. We had a Christmas party the other night and she came down stairs for a few minutes. She kept telling everyone, "it's so nice to meet you" and I didn't even put her up to that! It was the cutest/sweetest thing ever!!! For a 2 year old, she's pretty darn good at sharing and she LOVES to share food!! She makes sure that all of her friends have some of her snack, which is really sweet.

Her favorite foods (besides any sweets) are any kind of fruit, tomatoes, wheat thins, pretzel sticks, refried beans wrapped in a tortilla, pizza and hot dogs (aka: chopped ham). She MUST have ice in her water. It is so funny! She won't drink water unless it's "ice water." I used to go get drinks at Sonic all the time and I would get her an ice water. Now every time we see a Sonic, she says, "ICE WAWA!!"

She wants to know what every single thing is if she does not know the word. And she wants to know what I'm doing every second of the day. I hear the phrase, "What is that?" and "What are you doing mommy" about 600 times a day. When I tell her what something is, she promptly repeats what I have just said and says "more ___". It is so cute. Today we were driving and she saw a crane and asked what it was. When I told her a crane, she replied, "more cranes."

She talks in full sentences most of the time. I usually know what she is talking about, but not always. When I don't know what she is talking about, I will just nod and say yeah or OK. This annoys her to no end because she can clearly tell that I don't know what she is talking about. She continues to repeat what she was saying until I figure it out.

She loves to wear dresses and anytime I get her dressed, she turns to me and expects me to tell her how pretty she looks. Same goes after her hair gets fixed. She will often shout, "Pretty!" She is so right, she is so pretty. She hates her hair in her face, but even more hates giving me three seconds to get it out of her face. I always have to find something to distract her.

She is THE BEST BIG SISTER a little sister could ever ask for!! She loves her baby sister to no end! She adores her and I can see the love getting stronger and stronger every day. She talks to Alice Anne, dances with her, brings her toys and gets VERY upset if Alice Anne is not included in something. She always shares with her and tries to share her food and then looks at us, laughs, and says, "Alice Anne doesn't have teeth!!"

I could go on and on. She does so many cute things and I don't want to forget any of them. I love our time together. Everyday has something new and exciting for her and I love watching her learn and change. Brett and I both love her more and more each day. We cherish being her parents. Happy Birthday sweet baby girl. We look forward to watching you grow and change this year. You amaze us and make life so fun. We love you with all of our hearts.

Here are some pictures of how she spent her 2nd Birthday. She got up early and went to get donuts with daddy and then they went to the park in her jammies!! Then Aunt Mary and Uncle Les came over to tell her Happy Birthday. After nap time, the 4 of us went to the Dallas Aquarium and then to eat pizza (Hannah's request). And, when Brett asked her what kind of pizza she wanted, her response was "vanilla pizza." This is what she calls cheese pizza b/c it has the white cheese.

And just for fun, here she is on her first birthday last year...

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