Monday, January 12, 2009

Lets Catch Up

It's been crazy around here since Christmas...with what, I don't know, but we're settling into our routine again. I dusted off my camera before church yesterday and pulled it back out again today for some shots of the girls.

Hannah spent a week in Waco at my parent's house after Christmas. She loves Jammy and Papa and always looks forward to her trips to Waco!! Needless to say, she was used to getting 110% of everyone's attention, and had a hard time adjusting to not being an only child when she came home. So, last week, most of my time was spent trying to get Hannah back in line...and we spent a lot more time than usual in timeout. But, I'm happy to say that we're back on track and haven't had to use timeout in a few days :) Hannah was so excited to start back to school and dance last week. I'm beginning to realize that routine is GOOD...for my sanity!!

Alice Anne becomes more active and fun everyday! She LOVES her big sister and just looks at her and smiles! It was so cute to see how excited they both were to see each other when we picked Hannah up in Waco. They were both full of smiles! Alice Anne was diagnosed with acid reflux a couple of weeks ago and the medicine is making a huge difference...SO glad we got it figured out!

Brett and I are going to take a long weekend trip this weekend. Gigi and Great Granny are coming to stay with the girls. Hannah is So excited!! So much for that routine, huh??

Here are a few pics of my 2 sweet peas...

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