Monday, February 9, 2009

Bye Bye Swaddle, Hello Elmo Potty

If you know me well, you know that I swear by the Swaddle Blanket. I think it is the key to getting babies to sleep well. Both of my babies have been THE BEST SLEEPERS and I give all of the credit to a Very snug swaddling. However, there comes a point when babies need to learn to sleep on their own. Both of my girls have figured that out at 6 months. Yes, I've tried getting rid of it before 6 months but have had no luck...with either girl. Yesterday I decided that it was time that Alice Anne learned to sleep without being swaddled. In a way I was sad because I have swaddled her every single day since the day she was born. It just comes natural to me and it has made her "stay" a baby in my eyes. But she did not fight it yesterday and I was so proud of her. She got a little upset when she rolled over on her stomach and couldn't figure out how to sleep on her stomach,but she figured it out very quickly and slept so well yesterday. My sweet little baby is growing up so fast!!!

Other big news...
Last Thursday night before bed, Hannah looked at Brett and me and said, "Hannah no more diapers anymore." We pushed the potty training a couple of months ago and got a lot of resistance from Hannah, so we decided to let her decide when she was ready. I think she's decided. So, we stayed home ALL day on Friday and let her run around with no clothes on and she told me every single time she needed to go potty. She was very successful using the elmo potty. Saturday, she did the same thing. We went out late Saturday afternoon, so I put a diaper on her. After we'd been out for about an hour, she said, "Hannah needs to go tee tee...not in diaper." So, we quickly looked for a semi-clean place to pull over and we did. We went into the sub shop and put a whole roll of toilet paper on the potty and sat there for at least 10 minutes with no luck. When we left, Hannah said she wanted her elmo potty. I guess I need to get an elmo potty that lives in the back of our car. Is that disgusting??? She did good again yesterday...even wore "big girl panties" to a birthday party and made it through the whole party w/o an accident...until she got home. We're so proud of her!!! She's making progress. However, none of the other kids in her class at school are potty trained yet, so she's not motivated there yet...we'll get there!!!

1 comment:

maryleighedmonds said...

Way to go, Hannah! I'm so proud of you!