Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Alice Anne Is 18 Months

I'm a little behind on Alice Anne's 18 month post. She had her check-up last week and did great. Dr. Moore said she looked fabulous! She's growing like a weed and her vocabulary gets bigger and bigger every day. She's really started talking a lot the last week or two. Her favorite things to say right now are, "Mamma, rook" (look). She brings something to me about every 30 seconds and proudly tells me to look. She also loves it when I ask her to go get something or go do something...she proudly marches back over to me and says, "I didid" or "I godid" (I did it and I got it). I love listening to her talk!! I love hearing her call me. She says, "Moooooommy, R U?" She LOVES to give huge bear hugs and loves to say, "I Yu You." She knows all of her body parts, sounds that all the animals make, and LOVES playing in her shoe drawer. She could literally sit at her shoe drawer for 45 minutes and just try on all her shoes.
She has cut all of her molar teeth (painful for all of us) and she's working on 3 of her canine teeth right now (not AS painful, but we have definitely had some bad days)! When she's not cutting teeth, she is the sweetest, happiest little girl you'll ever meet. Also, when she's not cutting teeth, she ADORES Hannah!! I mean seriously adores her!!! She follows her around everywhere, does everything Hannah does and says everything Hannah says. They play so well together! Alice Anne also loves Hannah friends!! She gets so excited to see them and she truly thinks she is just as big as they are!
Her 2 "chores" are to put her clothes in the dirty clothes and to put her shoes in her shoe drawer when we get home. She LOVES doing these two things and is so proud of herself afterwards.
She's a great eater and will eat most anything. Unfortunately, big sister is rubbing off on her in the green vegetable department, but we're working on that.
She loves school and her teachers say she is the sweetest little angel...we couldn't agree more!!

Here are her 18 month stats:
Weight: 27.8 lbs (85%)
Height: 34" (above 95%)
Head: 18 3/4" (80%)

She LOVES wearing headbands and always walks in wearing random headbands!


Lane Olson said...

what a little doll!!!

MOM said...

She's getting so big and grown up! I need to see them!!!

ELMORE said...

alice anne is growing up so fast!!! i cannot believe she is talking so much! love how she does her chores..so sweet :)

Ashley said...

Love her! She is so sweet and smart and truly thinks she is one of the "big kids":)