Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hannah Tidbits

Make my heart melt!!! Tonight I put Hannah to bed and when I closed her door she called out to me. I opened the door and she said, "Mommy, I love you! You're my best friend!!" Seriously?? What could make a mom any happier? I hope she always sees me as her best friend!!
Hannah has a Responsibility Chart that she takes VERY seriously! I love it and had no idea when I got it that she would be so into it. She seriously thinks about it all day long. She is constantly saying, "mommy, am I helping I being nice?" etc. We've been doing it for several weeks and she's always so good, but it seems like she always has a day or two every week where she doesn't get a "straight line" as she calls it when she gets a circle for every responsibility. So, Sunday, daddy told Hannah that if she got a straight line every single day this week, he'd take her to the toy store and get her a big water gun. You would have thought daddy offered her a million dollars. She has been so motivated to get this big water gun and has lived and breathed her responsibilities this week. She's doing so good and only has 2 days to go!!! Oh...her treat each day for getting a "straight line" or doing all of her responsibilities is ONE orange tic-tac and she gets SO excited about that tiny little tic-tac!! Her responsibilities are: get dressed; put toys away; be nice; get ready for bed; share; no whining and help out.

Hannah and daddy have these imaginary pets that they talk about and tell stories about and go to the park with. It's really so cute!! Their names are Cozy (their kitty), Pedro (Wally's friend) and Flopsy (their bunny rabbit that lives in Hannah's garden). This week at school they have been learning about their family. Yesterday the teacher asked them a bunch of questions and wrote down their answers and then they made a picture of their family. One of the questions was how many pets do you have and what are their names. Hannah answered 3 pets named Wally, Pedro and Cozy. I saw this and laughed so hard. I told her teacher the story and she laughed and said Hannah was SO serious about it and told her all about all of her pets. She had no idea that 2 of them were pretend. When we got home from school, I asked Hannah about her picture. She told me all about it and said, "I didn't tell my teacher about Flopsy because she just asked how many cats or dogs we had and Flopsy's a bunny." Daddy couldn't stop laughing when he came home and saw the picture of her family that included their imaginary pets :)
Sweet sisters have had so much fun together this week! Hannah has been "reading" to her baby sister and she's very serious about it and Alice Anne actually sits there and listens to it. I have to hide in the other room (and secretly watch them) so I don't distract them. It's so cute!!!
In this picture Hannah is reading a book to Alice Anne about shapes. She showed her each shape and told her what shape it was and then would say, "Alice Anne, can you say Crescent? Good Girl!" She's such a good little mommy!
And this is where we've been ALL WEEK LONG...on the swings in the backyard! The girls could swing all day long! Alice Anne gets so giddy and giggles the entire time with her sweet little high-pitched laugh!


Lane Olson said...

ummm....can i come live with you? i did try the chart with milam who looooves pulling the stars off and throwing them. AND i am jealous that you can actually hide from your kids. I still can't leave mine unattended in the same room for a second.

MOM said...

Honestly, you have the 2 sweetest girls in the world! I am so proud of H and her "responsibilities". She obviously is very proud of herself too, as she should be.

Kelly said...

emily...ok so i need to make MY hannah a responsibility chart! I think she would be so into it!! Super good ideas. So glad to see how yall are doing!