Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dear Santa...

This afternoon, Hannah and I were doing a little craft project and making a little Santa Clause. Hannah was very intensely gluing Santa's beard on and all of a sudden she stopped and said, "MOMMY...we forgot to write a letter to Santa!" We have a Christmas book that we read, about letters to Santa and she took note. Luckily, I was prepared with Santa stationary and she dictated away. This is what it says,
"Dear Santa, I've been sweet and I try to get straight lines everyday. I've been a good girl. Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. I want a dollhouse and a rope (robe) and a lot of other toys like stickers and balls and books. I will come to the mall if my mommy or my daddy will take me. Love, Hannah"
She signed her own name by herself and was VERY proud of herself and asked me if I thought Santa would think she was SO smart!
Excited to put her letter out for Santa, but when we went to put it out for the mailman she changed her mind and said she wanted to take it to the mall and give it to him. So we'll be making a Santa trip to the mall pretty soon.

Hannah AND Alice Anne are obsessed with their Advent Village. They get to open the day's window every day after nap time and they get so excited for that 1 little sweet tart that they each get out of it! Hannah loves counting how many more days until Christmas Eve!
Hannah's other obsession...Baby Jesus! She loves pulling the dining room chair up to the nativity that I have set out and talking to Baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph. Yesterday she told me that she needed a paper towel. I asked her what she needed it for and she said that Baby Jesus was cold and she needed to cover him up and blankets were too big for him.

Alice Anne's current obsessions...Coloring and Cozy (our pretend kitty cat this looks so real it's creepy)!
She wants to color pictures all day long and she is very proud of her master pieces. If she's not coloring, she's carrying around one of her pictures saying, "Wow...peppy!" I always tell her, "Wow, it's so pretty!!"

Alice Anne has really been letting me read to her a lot the last couple of days. She has always let me read to her, but would only sit through 1...maybe 2 books at a time. While Hannah was at school today, we read for 45 minutes straight. She was such a good little listener and I think she would have let me read longer, but I needed a break. Before she settles down to read, though, she walks over, gets Cozy and positions him where she wants him next to her on the couch. Every once in a while she'll put him in her lap for a minute and then she'll set him back down next to her. She LOVES her pretend kitty, Cozy. The first thing she does every morning when we come downstairs is she goes straight to Cozy and gets right in his face and says, "HIII, Coey"
Sweet sisters...the last couple of afternoons after naps, the girls have climbed up in the glider on their own and Hannah reads books to Alice Anne. Hannah is very serious about story time!

It is FREEZING here and we haven't left the house much at all this week! We have a busy few days planned making lots of Christmas crafts and goodies and just staying inside and Hannah is SO excited about all of our projects that we have planned...


Bekah Belf said...

It sounds like AA needs a "real" Cozy form Santa or Aunt Bekah? :)

maryleighedmonds said...

You need another vacation! Say a trip to Waco on Christmas day? Aunt Mary will take care of the kiddos and you can relax :)