Thursday, December 10, 2009

You Just Have to Laugh About It...So You Don't Cry!!

We had a big day planned today. We were going to head over to Northpark and go to a puppet show, go to the train exhibit and then have a fun lunch there...but our day didn't go quite as planned.

Here's how it started (DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH!):

I got up early so I could be dressed and ready before the girls woke up. When I heard Alice Anne, I went up to get her and there was blackberry and strawberry throw-up ALL over her and her bed. It had been there a while and the sweet little thing never made a peep. No big deal...I got her in the tub, and all cleaned up. She was having fun in the bath, so I let her play in there for a little bit. I was in the bathroom, but Hannah and I were talking and I wasn't really paying close attention to what she was doing. When I went over to get her out, there was diarrhea all in the tub! Sick!! Whatever, I'll throw her in the other bathtub and then clean this one up (along with the throw-up). She was in Hannah's bathroom. I get her out, wrap her up in a towel and carry her into her bathroom. On our way into the other bathroom, she tee tee'd ALL over me, herself, and the floor. That makes 3 things that I need to clean up. Let me wash her off really quick, get her dressed and then I'll get the floor, tub, bed and myself cleaned up. I threw a towel over the wet spot on the floor and threw the baby into the clean tub. Scrubbed and scrubbed and got her clean again and then dried her off. As she was walking the 2 steps from her bathroom into her room, yes...within a split second, there was diarrhea ALL over the floor!!! You have GOT to be kidding me!!! Seriously?!?!? Hannah made me laugh in the middle of all of this when she walked in right after Alice Anne had made a mess on the floor and said, "What IN the WORLD??"

I got it all cleaned up and the girls were very cooperative and stayed in the playroom while I cleaned both of their rooms and bathrooms up. Guess we're not going to be having our fun little outing today, so I went down stairs and put my pj's back on and had another cup of coffee. Fed the girls, washed dishes, washed blankies and lovies and it was time for Alice Anne's nap. I put Alice Anne down and came back downstairs to find Hannah on the potty with an ENTIRE ROLL of toilet paper that she had wiped with, in the toilet. This wasn't a roll that was half gone, it was a full ,new, double roll of toilet paper and she thought she needed the whole thing to wipe her little bottom!!! I run get a trash bag, pull what toilet paper I can out of the toilet and then start plunging away.
Whew...the rest of my day went good and despite all that happened, I really did have a good day...until dinner time when I opened up the refrigerator and a bottle of hot sauce fell out of the door and exploded ALL over the kitchen!! Literally, ALL over! The girls were sitting up at the bar and they thought it was hilarious that red sauce was flying all over the kitchen. I'm so glad that they were laughing so I could laugh with them instead of cry!!!

Brett, how many days until you come home?? We miss you terribly!!!

When they weren't pooping or throwing up today, you wouldn't have known they were sick. Hannah tells me all day long to turn Christmas music on so they can dance. This is what they do most of the day...Hannah danced with this mask up to her face today :)

Alice Anne really wanted to sit up at the bar today instead of in her high chair next to her sister at the bar. She thought she was pretty big!!!


MOM said...

Oh my goodness!!! I had no idea when I talked to H tonight what kind of day you had. Better this week than last week...ha, ha, ha!
Tomorrow has to be better!
Glad you could laugh about it.

Kelly said...

I am sooooo glad you can laugh because I would have for sure been crying! Hope everyone is feeling better. Your vacay looked amazing! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Claire Coleman said...

I was laughing out loud while reading your post! OMG!!! I would of died with all that throw up and diarrhea! So thank goodness it was you and not me:) Glad you guys survived! Isn't it nice when you feel like crying or screaming and the kids will make you laugh! Gotta love them, puke and all!

Ashley said...

Aaah! I don't think I could have handled a day like that with such a good attitude! What a mess! Hope you have no more days like that for a long time!!

meredith said...

OMG! Emily! What a mess! You get extra mommy points for all of that for sure!!!