Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hannah had her 1st bicycle accident last night and it was bad!! She fell going down the Grabham's driveway and landed face first. Poor thing...she has a huge busted lip and a swollen nose and upper lip. Hannah and I were both covered in blood! This is so sweet...when we were doing her responsibility chart last night and got to "No Whining" she said, "I whined a lot today when I fell off my bike." Sweet girl...that doesn't count!!!
She asked me this morning if it she could tell Stella that she didn't like her driveway :) I felt so bad for her going into camp this morning...she was really self conscious and embarrassed about it. I told her to tell people that she got a boo boo because she's so big and knows how to ride a big girl bike. She said she did just that!


maryleighedmonds said...

Oh, sweet Hannah! She's just so daring and adventurous on her big girl bike! I hope her lip heals quickly.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing! Carter has a busted lip too and I showed him the pic and he thinks it's cool he and Hannah are matching! I hope the kids were nice to her at camp today! She's so sweet!