Friday, September 18, 2009

Long Week

It has been a long week around here! We're all anxious to get settled into our new fall routine. Hannah has just been wiped out all week and has gone to bed really early every night. Alice Anne was a basket case yesterday after screaming for an hour in her bed when I put her down for her morning nap...don't know what that was all about?!?!

Here's how we've passed the time this week since it has rained ALL WEEK LONG!!!

LOTS of Dress-up!
Hannah loves to dress Alice Anne up and Alice Anne loves it, too. Alice Anne has been so funny this week...every time Hannah has princess shoes on (which is almost always), Alice Anne goes to the toy basket to get some for herself. She brings them to me and wants me to put them on her feet!

We went to see the Ducks and the Turtles at Northpark yesterday. Alice Anne had to get out of the house or she was going to loose it!

Looks like we have another baby obsession in our family! Alice Anne takes Baby Robyn everywhere with her, kissing on her all day long. I think we may need a 2nd baby doll stroller...when Hannah sees Alice Anne pushing Robyn in the baby stroller she quickly decides that her babies need to go on a walk, too, and Robyn gets booted to the grocery basket. And yes...Alice Anne notices the difference between the stroller and the grocery basket!!

She got the boot...


MOM said...

Those pictures of AA are hilarious. I can just imagine the stroller and grocery basket scenario.

Ashley said...

Love the dress up! We dress up constantly, too. AA is too cute with her sweet dolly. She is loving on her so hard in that last shot!