Monday, January 11, 2010

Mommy, There's A Baby In Your Tummy

OK, I must have really put on the lbs. over the holidays because my 3-year old is insisting that there's a baby in my tummy! She asks me at least once a day when my baby is coming out! A few weeks ago when daddy had been out of town for 7 days, we went to pick him up at the airport and the first thing she said to him when he got in the car was, "Daddy, Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" The look on his face was priceless and I couldn't stop laughing. It took me a long time to get him to believe me over his 3-year old daughter! Last night we were all playing and Hannah said, "Daddy, go get in the car. It's time to take mommy to the hospital. We're going to have a baby." She brought a baby over to me and put it under my shirt and then went and got her dr. kit. She was in make-believe world and said, "OK, we're at the hospital and Dr. Hannah is going to check you." She proceeded to look in my ears and as she did, she said, "I see your baby in there!" This went on for a long was so funny! She delivered a perfectly healthy baby and said her name was "Pedro!!!" She has this book that we got when I was pregnant with Alice Anne that is very detailed about everything that goes into a pregnancy and a baby being born. We read it every. single. day. After our "hospital run" was over, she said, "Mommy, I really want a baby at our house!" I told her that she had a baby sister and she had lots of dolls that she can play house with. She told me that she wanted a real baby. I told her that real babies are a lot of work and if we had a tiny little baby here that mommy and daddy wouldn't be able to hold her and Alice Anne as much. Her response..."That's OK, I'll hold the baby while you hold me!" Smart little cookie. I asked her when I was going to hold Alice Anne and she said, "you can hold Alice Anne when you put her to bed." Funny little girl! I hope she understands that there aren't any babies coming to live in our house anytime soon!!

We've been living in the sick house for the past week! I took the girls to the dr. last Tuesday because they both weren't eating and were complaining of a sore throat. No strep, but as the week progressed, Hannah got a fever and then Alice Anne. They're both at school today and I'm going to try to get some things done since we literally haven't left the house in 5 days!!! Alice Anne is cutting 7 teeth and it is WEARING ME OUT!!!!

A couple other cute things that I have to write down so I'll remember them. We have a constant battle with Hannah to eat her vegetables. She flat out won't touch them. Ice Cream is her absolute favorite treat and she loves going to I Heart Yogurt. So, we told her at dinner a couple of weeks ago that whoever ate their asparagus would get to go to I Heart Yogurt and get some ice cream. It didn't phase her. Alice Anne ate her asparagus as fast as she could. Hannah didn't touch hers. We told her that we were all going to get ice cream and we really wanted her to be able to get some, too. Her response..."I'll just watch you eat yours." Are you serious?? So, we didn't argue with her. We thought that she'd be upset when we got there and she had to watch everyone else eat their ice cream and maybe she'd remember it next time and eat her vegetables. We all got ice cream and she sat there in front of us and seemed completely unfazed as she watched us eat ours. As we left, I was trying to get her a little upset that she didn't get ice cream and I said, "Maybe next time you'll eat your vegetables and you can get ice cream, too." She said, "No, mommy. I won't eat my vegetables. I'm just going to watch you eat your ice cream until I'm 4!!" Seriously??? She totally outsmarted us! She outsmarted us again on Saturday. I was looking for my watch. I set it in the exact same place every single day and it wasn't there. I literally searched for my watch for 2 hours. I looked in every trashcan, every drawer, every piece of clothing, every laundry basket, every toy box...everywhere! Brett and Hannah were gone and I was almost in tears because I didn't want to have to tell Brett that I had lost my expensive watch that he gave me. When they got home, I asked Hannah if she had seem my watch. She always knows where things are when I lose them. I told her that if she found my watch, I would give her 5 princess pez candies...I was desperate!! These are her absolute favorite candies and she will do anything for just 1. Her response to me, "Sorry mom, I don't know where your watch is. You can eat my princess pez candies!!" Ugh!!! Yes, I found my watch and you'll never guess where it was. Hannah has "given" Alice Anne one of her purses, and Alice Anne is obsessed with it. She carries it all over the house and then hides it when she's not carrying it. I had already gone through all of Hannah's purses and jewelry boxes and it wasn't in there, but I never thought of looking for it in Alice Anne's purse. I found the purse under about 50 babies in the baby pack-n-play and there were 2 things in her watch and my lipstick that I thought was completely lost, so I replaced it last week!!

Hannah has started calling us "Mom" and "Dad." I hate means she's all grown up and not a baby anymore!! I tried correcting her for about a week by saying "mommy" when she would say mom, but I guess she's just grown up now! When she first started saying it, we told her that if she called us mom and dad then we were going to call her "Scott." That didn't work because she thought it was hilarious when we called her Scott.

Alice Anne loves school, but she's picked up 2 new words that I can't stand! She came home saying "NO" and "MINE." Everything is, "No, mine!!" I absolutely hate mine! Hannah did the same thing when she started school. I guess she'll grow out of it in time, just like Hannah.

I haven't taken any cute pictures because we've just been home in our jammies forever. But here are a couple of pics of the girls playing with Hannah's new playdoh sets that Carter gave her for her birthday. We have spent hours making playdoh ice cream and waffles, eggs and bacon! A lifesaver during the 20 degree weather!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

FUNNY stories~ sounds like Hannah is more than ready to become a big sis again! Ha! Last week was a yucky, boring sick week for us, too. I am SO ready for a fun, WARM, healthy week!