Monday, January 4, 2010

My Baby Is Off to School

Today was a big day for Alice Anne...her 1st day of "school"! She did great and her teachers said she loved it and they also commented that she was such a sweet little girl!! When I dropped her off this morning, she marched right in and started playing. I stood there and watched her through the window for a few minutes and after about 3 or 4 minutes she looked up and realized that I was gone and started crying! Poor little made me want to cry, too, but I knew she'd get over it fast, which she did, and she had fun playing and meeting new friends the rest of the day.

Now, what in the world am I going to do with 10 hours to myself every week!! I got more done today then I think I got done all year last year! I'm sure I'll figure something out to occupy my time ;)

My little school girl! She looks SO old in this picture!

Hannah loved showing Alice Anne how to use her nap mat and she was a good teacher because Alice Anne's teachers said that she put herself right to sleep on it...

Hannah was the proud big sister and was so excited to tell everyone in her class that her "baby sister was right down the hall."


MOM said...

That is the sweetest thing...those sisters! I hope those sweet babies feel better tomorrow!

Ashley said...

So sweet! AA looks like such a big girl now. ENJOY those 10 hours!!!!

Lane Olson said...

are the babies really old enough for school!?! doesn't seem like it. AA is precious.