Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've halfway decided that Alice Anne's issues lately have been her teeth. I kept thinking that she couldn't be that uncomfortable for that long just because she was cutting some teeth, but I've talked to a couple of friends that have told me that when their little one was cutting several teeth at a time, they turned into a completely different child for 2-3 weeks and were mean, mean, mean. This describes how Alice Anne's been for 2 weeks. This week has been MUCH better than last week, but she still gets a little cranky sometimes. She still has 3 or 4 teeth that aren't all the way through yet, so we have a ways to go, but I think there's light at the end of the tunnel! Regardless of her teething issues, she is still such a sweet little girl and so loving. She gives the BEST hugs and will hug you forever!! I beg her for hugs all day long!!

One of her favorite toys...the magnadoodle

Sweet sisters! I didn't even put them up to this.

Silly Hannah!!


MOM said...

Oh my goodness...they have both changed just since Christmas...especially AA. She looks so much older than she did just a few weeks ago. It's been too long since we've seen them!

meredith said...

H and AA look so cute in all of your pictures!!! I'm so glad AA is feeling better. Thank you all for letting S and Y come play. They had so much fun.

Lane Olson said...

I can NOT imagine AA being mean. those teeth will come soon and she'll be sweet as ever...