Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crawling, Peek-A-Boo & Just Plain Sweetness!

My little baby girl is crawling!! She's not all over the place and into everything like Hannah was when she 1st started crawling. She is seriously so laid back I don't know if she'll ever be like that. If she sees something she wants, she'll slowly crawl over there to get it, but if it takes too much effort, it's just not worth it!!

Her favorite game is peek-a-boo. She loves it!! This morning Hannah was trying to teach her how to play the cup game and Alice Anne was trying to show Hannah how to play peek-a-boo with the cups. Too Cute!!!

Other than crawling and playing games, Alice Anne's main objective is to make people smile! She brings a smile to our face all the time and if this sweet little smile doesn't melt your heart then nothing will!!


MOM said...

I have never seen such a sweet smile!

Kelly said...

Go Alice Anne! I can't believe she is old enough to be crawling. I feel like all of the #2 babies should still be little babies - not crawling around! And I think it is so crazy how all of our second babies are so laid back and happy all of the time. We are lucky, huh?!?!

Ashley said...

Yea for Alice Anne! I'm with Kelly- I can't get over that the babies of the group are not little babies anymore! She couldn't be any sweeter!