Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Better Day For A Birthday

So I tried to make-up the "lost" birthday to Alice Anne today at playgroup. We had a little birthday celebration and I think she was pretty pleased!! I can't believe that the 2nd babies are already turning ONE! Where has the year gone? All of the kiddos had fun today and some (aka: big sister) had more sugar than they should have!!

Sarah and I decided to have Carter and Alice Anne's birthday party together this year since this will probably be the only year that we can do just family. So, we'll have that to look forward to next weekend.
Alice Anne wasn't as into the cake today like she was last night. I'll go back and put a pick on yesterdays post, but she was literally licking her highchair. Modest little lady...didn't want to do that in front of her friends!!

The big kids went wild in the bounce house!!!

I told Hannah that we were going to let Alice Anne open her presents by herself. Alice Anne didn't know what to do without big sister doing it for her. Hannah's response to my request was, "I'll ask Alice Anne if I can help. Mommy, I know she'll say yes." She asked Alice Anne if she could help her and then looked at me and said, "Mommy!!! She said I could!!" And then she started ripping them open...little stinker! At least Alice Anne didn't seem to mind.

Hannah sweetly "showing" Alice Anne what she got.

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