Monday, August 10, 2009

A Little Girl With A BIG Heart!!

I know I've said it a million times, but Hannah has such a big heart!! She always wants to do something to make someone happy and if she sees someone that's sad, she'll do whatever she can to make them feel better.

Friday I was putting some mail out for the mailman and Hannah started asking me questions about the mailman. Where does he live, how does he get to our house, where are his little girls, etc., etc. I explained to her that he drives his mail truck from his house to our street and then he gets out of his truck and carries a big bag with every one's mail in it and walks around the neighborhood to deliver every one's mail. She stood there silent for a minute and then looked at me with a very worried look on her face and said, "Mommy, it's really hot outside. We need to tell him to go inside his house." I told her that it was so hot and that he is so nice that even when it's really hot, he still delivers our mail. She said, "mommy, we need to write him a nice letter and leave him some water so he doesn't get too hot." So, that's exactly what we did. She dictated the letter as I wrote and then we filled a bucket up with ice and put a water in it for him. As she was putting his water out, the yard man drove up and without even saying anything to me, she ran back inside and got 2 more water bottles and took them out to the yard men. So sweet. She was so excited when we were pulling out of the driveway and we saw the mailman walking to our house. We watched to see if he got our letter and water and he did...he walked over to the car and told Hannah what a sweet little girl she was. She just sat in her car seat with a proud look on her face!! I told her about her Great Granddaddy Joe and that he used to be a mail carrier. She was so curious about him and what little girls he went to see and if they gave him some water. I told her that her Granddaddy Joe would have been so proud of her!

This morning Hannah painted a little tea set. She was SOOOO excited about it and was very proud of the finished product! She designated each piece of her tea set as some one's. We have a special little tea party planned for after nap and she has the menu planned perfectly. Crackers, Cookies, Mr. Flintstones and Pink Lemonade. Sounds good to me!!!
The finished product!


Kelly said...

What a sweetheart! I love that girl!! Hope Miss AA is feeling better.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Ava has a sweet girl like Hannah for a friend!!!