Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hannah and Mommy Dates

Since Alice Anne is such a fabulous napper, Hannah and I have taken advantage of it and when Hortencia comes to clean, we sneak out for a little 2 hour "date." Our dates usually consist of running errands that are just so much easier with one, and then Hannah always gets to pick some sort of "treat" errand. It is usually a Sonic Lemonade, the Ice Cream Store or the Toy Store. Today she wanted to go to Chick-fil-a with her friends, so we arranged for that to happen, but we had to wait until Alice Anne got up. It's a little something that Hannah and I both look forward to each week. We don't turn the car tv on, we just talk, sing, play the "Red Car/Yellow Car" game and act silly. Things have changed a lot over the past year for sweet little Hannah and she has adjusted perfectly, but it's still fun for us to have some one-on-one outings and I look forward to being able to do the same with Alice Anne. On the days Hortencia comes, Hannah comes downstairs and sees her and says, "Yeah, mommy, are we going on our shopping errands?"


Lane Olson said...

we do the same thing emily! except i usually take M to the park to burn some of that energy...

ELMORE said...

i love that one on one time with 1 kiddo. it is so special for both of you...such a fun morning to look forward to! chick fil a was great!

oh...the pictures from the birthday party are adorable!