Monday, May 18, 2009

Uneventful Weekend

It was a pretty uneventful weekend around here, but Brett and I got a lot of things checked off of our to-do list. Hannah was in the best mood after church Sunday, so I let her skip her nap and she helped me wash daddy's car and clean out the garages. She is such a little princess...she did all of this with her princess shoes on, about 20 bracelets, and a gift bag that she found, that she used as her "purse", to put trash trash bag for this Ms. Priss!


Ashley said...

Those pictures of Alice Anne are darling. And Hannah and Molly are so similar- she is 100% girlie girl! Don't you love it?!?

maryleighedmonds said...

Alice Anne has that "over-the-shoulder" pose down!